Madison Talks Animal Abuse

Animal Abuse

What is Animal Abuse? This is a definition from

Animal Abuse: the crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, usually a tame one, beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect that is so monstrous (withholding food and water) that the animal has suffered, died or been put in imminent danger of death.

To me I can’t fully understand or want to understand someone who puts an animal through animal abuse. I am an animal lover, in my house hold we have three dogs, and two cats. To me I couldn’t imagine putting them in any sort of harm, it would honestly break my heart. One of our dogs is very curly we haven’t had the money to trim him lately so he got really matted, it was actually getting really bad so we asked a favor from my mother in-law. Thank goodness for her she trimmed his hair for us but he did not like it at all, and hearing him whine broke my heart. To me animals should be treated the same as we treat are children. Yes they should be disciplined or they won’t know what is right or wrong but you do not need to harm them to have them listen.


Discipline is always hard to talk about, because like children you never want to offend someone. There is a definite difference between abuse and discipline. The biggest difference is what your intentions are. If you are aiming to hurt then that is abuse, where as discipline your intention should be to teach and it should be no harder than a tap. When it comes to discipline you do not need to hit at all if it is not needed. It’s important we show our animals love and respect because no matter what our animals will always love us unconditionally and they will always stay loyal. I don’t want to talk too much about discipline because I will be talking more about it in my next blog.


Another thing that is important to keep in mind that no matter how domesticated an animal may be they will still have the wild instinct in them. Like if a human hurts them out of instinct a dog will either turn around and nip at you or give you a warning growl. A cat will smack their face against you to show their affection and love, while at the same time they are scenting you as well. I think a big problem is that some people don’t understand animals fully and sometimes people will over react, and an animal may panic and then the situation gets out of hand. When it comes to an animal wild instinct it’s something that the owners have to spend a lot of time training them out of the animal and replacing it with love and affections.

I know that not everyone will agree with what I say and that’s fine, but I’d love to hear your guy’s opinions on this topic. As well as any question, concerns that may come up.


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